Sustainability Policy


It is our mission to help our customers develop profitable, better, and more sustainable designs and constructions in an increasingly challenging world. This policy outlines our sustainability commitments and approach.


This policy applies to everyone employed at NTI Diatec LFP.


We are committed to environmental sustainability and seek to reduce the adverse impacts of our business activities on the environment. This is an ongoing task and we will continue to seek to improve by e.g. setting goals for our environmental impact. As a minimum, we comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and standards. We are signatories to the UN Global Compact and actively work to implement its ten principles (please refer to our Code of Conduct for further) as well as contribute to relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals. As such:

  1. We support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
  2. take steps to ensure we are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  3. We uphold the freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining.
  4. support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
  5. the effective abolition of child labour; and
  6. the elimination of discrimination with respect to employment and occupation.
  7. We support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  8. undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
  9. encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  10. We work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Our work within sustainability is divided into three strategic focus areas: Environmental impact, being an attractive and responsible employer and ensuring responsible business conduct.



NTI Group has a limited environmental footprint as it is largely dependent on human capital. We, however, strive to reduce our footprint from our operations, which primarily consists of energy consumption and waste generated from our offices and the travelling of employees. This is an ongoing task and we will continue to seek to improve by e.g. setting goals for our environmental impact. As a minimum, we comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards.


Living in a rapidly changing world with increasing urbanization and a growing population means that the global demand for resources and the inherent challenges demand us to work differently and in a sustainable way. Our digital solutions provide the foundation for designing and constructing in a sustainable way. We recognise that we may have the biggest impact through our digital solutions and will therefore strive to ensure that these will support the sustainability agenda within the areas of energy & carbon, resource efficiency and climate resiliency.


Our success is built upon the dedicated people who are a part of NTI. We have strong corporate values in terms of how we collaborate in an inclusive and safe way. We are generally aware of setting standards for our suppliers and sub-suppliers to ensure that they, in turn, are aware of their social responsibility. NTI Diatec LFP believes that all people must have equal opportunities and has embedded this in our Code of Conduct for employees. We do not tolerate any discrimination in our company, whether sexual, gender related, freedom of organization, religious or ethnic. We consider our employees our core strength. We have a very wide range of personnel and believe that diversity in the composition of our workforce is a major strength. High ethical standards and behaving responsibly towards each other, our clients, collaborators, and society are central to who we are. We all have a shared responsibility in creating an inclusive organisational culture at NTI. We are mindful that acting on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is an ongoing journey that requires contributions from all employees and leaders. We seek to adapt and improve the working environment to ensure maximum employee satisfaction and full compliance with national standards.


At NTI Diatec LFP we are committed to conducting our business with the highest degree of respect for social, environmental, and ethical business standards. To ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of the principles and ethical values that we want to uphold we have a Code of Conduct for both employees and suppliers and business partners. In case of potential violations, we have ensured that we have clearly communicated procedures for reporting violations and expressing concerns. In addition to this, we have several policies (reviewed annually) to ensure responsible business conduct.


We expect our Suppliers and Business Partners to take steps to reduce their environmental impacts as well. At a minimum, we require that our Suppliers and Partners comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, and maintain the necessary registrations, permits and licenses. Please refer to our Code of Conduct for NTI Suppliers and Business Partners for further.


We seek to align our processes with the minimum requirements in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD).

In practice, we conduct annual due diligence to identify how our organization may cause, contribute to, or be linked to potential and actual adverse impacts on the UN Global Compact's ten principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals including the human rights stated in the International Bill of Human Rights and the core labour rights from the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

We take action to prevent or mitigate actual or potential adverse impacts identified and track implementation. In instances where an adverse impact has occurred, we seek to provide access to remedy (for example apologies, restitution, rehabilitation, financial or non-financial compensation, etc.).

As we develop and mature our efforts, we will set ambitious targets and communicate transparently about progress and challenges in our annual sustainability reporting.

The responsibility for oversight over sustainability matters rests with the Board of Directors while the management of sustainability matters ultimately rests with the Group CEO. The CEO is responsible for allocating adequate resources to comply with the Sustainability Policy